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Neurological & hemodynamic monitoring

Mespere LifeSciences Inc. is a technology-based and innovative medical device company focused on non-invasive, breakthrough solutions for cardiac and neurohemodynamic patient monitoring. With the products NeurOs and VenArt, non-invasive alternatives to costly invasive clinical procedures have been created. The advantages of the non-invasive method are cost efficiency, safety, ease of use and pain-free treatment of patients. 



NeurOs makes it possible to use cerebral oximetry in various medical departments, such as intensive care units or emergency rooms. The system enables hospitals to achieve the best performance with significantly reduced costs.  This is because the reusable sensors offer exceptional value as a cost-effective solution compared to conventional sensors. The sensors are for single use and extend the use outside the operating room. 

NeurO's regional cerebral oximeter offers the highest trend accuracy of ± 1.5% with a StO2 measurement range of 0 - 100%. The accuracy is based on a clinical validation study conducted in the hypoxia laboratory at the University of California in San Francisco (USA) as part of the FDA Controlled Hypoxia Protocol.


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VenArt from Mespere LifeSciences is a non-invasive, beat-by-beat monitoring of cardiac output and stroke volume based on Fick's principle. VenArt eliminates the need for invasive pulmonary artery or Swan-Ganz catheters and provides continuous measurements without ultrasound. Venous and arterial oximetry are monitored to provide a complete hemodynamic assessment. The VO 100 is placed at the left/right internal or external jugular vein and a pulse oximeter.


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