Hessian State Prize for exemplary employment and integration of severely disabled people
CRS medical is pleased to announce that this year it has been awarded the Hessian State Prize for Exemplary Employment and Integration of Severely Disabled People by the Federation of Hessian Business Associations (VhU) and the Hessian Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration. This award recognizes the company's exemplary commitment to creating inclusive working environments and integrating people with disabilities into the primary labor market.
The Hessian State Prize for Exemplary Employment and Integration of Severely Disabled People is awarded annually. This year, the award ceremony took place at the House of Economy South Hesse in Darmstadt. CEO Dr. Michael Schlapp, Director Finance and Administration Thea Pfeiffer and Group Leader Human Resources Stefanie Besier were on hand to accept the award on behalf of CRS medical.
CRS medical has been working closely with Diakonie Lahn-Dill for many years and goes well beyond the legal requirements in the area of integration, with the aim of creating an inclusive working environment that recognizes the skills and talents of all employees. Various initiatives, partnerships with disabled facilities, efforts for funding, the creation of a barrier-free working environment as well as partnerships in inclusive sports contribute to the integration of people with disabilities into the labor market.
CRS medical is delighted to have been recognized by the Hessian State Prize and sees this as confirmation of its commitment to social responsibility and sustainable business practices. In the future, CRS medical will continue to be committed to finding innovative ways to promote inclusion and integration in the workplace.

Press contact
Juliane Frey
Director Digitalisation, Quality & Communication